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You're viewing Thrillville : Off The Rails Cheat Codes

Game Name : Thrillville : Off The Rails
System : Nintendo Wii
Date Added : 2007-09-01 15:45:05
Views : 22536

Cheat mode
Press one of the folowing codes while in any park:
Z, C, B, Z, C, B, C500 thrill points
C, Z, B, C, Z, B, CAll parks
C, Z, B, C, Z, B, RightAll Party Play mini-games
C, Z, B, C, Z, B, BAll rides
C, Z, B, C, Z, B, AExtra $50,000
C, Z, B, C, Z, B, ZMissions unlocked

Easy Thrill Points
You can get Thrill Points for doing almost anything, such as running a mile, riding a coaster, painting a stall, etc. If you get enough thrill points, you will advance to the next managerial level. A good way to earn Thrill Points is to pick up shiny signs that can be from shrapnel to an anti-Thrillville ad.

Mission completion
Press C, Z, B, C, Z, B, Z while in any park. Press C at the mission selection screen to complete the highlighted mission and unlock the next mission. Note: Each time C is pressed on a highlighted mission, the rank of the completion increases (from bronze, to silver, and finally gold). Note: To reverse your progression on a mission, press Z at the mission selection screen to remove the highlighted mission medal.

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